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Artist Playlist – The Libertines' Alternative Anthems For Doomed Youth

Artist Playlist – The Libertines' Alternative Anthems For Doomed Youth
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The Libertines speak to Q in our latest issue about their long overdue third album Anthems For Doomed Youth – and they’ve made us a playlist to accompany their forthcoming record. Speaking in this month’s cover story – available now in print and on digital – Pete Doherty, Carl Barat, Gary Powell and John Hassall explain what went into the new record on a personal level as the band recovered their relationships with one enough after effectively splitting in 2004. “We extremely excited by the new stuff,” Barat tells Q of the forthcoming record. “It’s been great to be in the trenches again, but of course it doesn’t come without the highs and the lows, the tos and the fros, which are part of The Libertines’ mantra.” Get Q now for the full cover story interview – including Pete and Carl’s first joint interview in 12 years. Plus the band have also made us this Playlist of Alternative Anthems For Doomed Youth you can listen to now.

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The Smiths – Heaven Knows I’m Miserable Now

“The Smiths have been associated with teenage angst ever since Morrissey donned an open chested shirt with a necklace of flowers around his neck. The track was beautifully written by Johnny Marr, but it is lyrical content and Morrissey’s angst driven delivery that makes it a firm favourite in the realms of the indie loving romantic. Plus – lest we forget – everybody loves a Morrissey whine…”

Beck – Loser

“If ever, back in the 90s on Zane Lowe’s gonzo like MTV2 show, there was a track that screamed out ‘take me I’m yours,’ this was it. Loser was the song that gave you the perfect opportunity to hunch your shoulders, droop your head and let your hair (if you had any that is) do it’s talking for you.”

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The Beatles – Saw Her Standing There

“The Beatles were architects of popular music as we know it. Prior to their being artists were at the mercy of the record label and management who created there a whole look and sound on the basis of their perception of the given audience. (Kind of like Simon Cowell – minus the sucking part). The Beatles who were initially a glorified fan loved covers band then turned their pens to writing their won music and reaching out to their won fan base and this track is the perfect example of how they communicated to the young teenage finding love for the first time. Zits and all…”

Rage Against The Machine – Killing In The Name Of

“Killing In The Name Of, in it’s origins was about ‘the ill’s of american society, specifically it’s draconian like police state and overall racial bias (harsh but fair). It has since however become an anthem for teenage sing alongs and, has with reference to the problems america is facing currently become more poignant than ever…”

Sonic Youth – Superstar/ 100% (Can’t decide between the two…)

“Being a bit of Sonic Youth fan this is one of the best cover versions of have heard – period. Thurston Moore and Kim Gordon seemed to have a continual affinity with the disaffected youth – whether this was because of their angst driven non stereo typical approach to playing, or their pin point accuracy with tracks like 100%, it matters not, it’s just cool.”

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LCD Sound System – Sound Of Silver

Sound of silver talk to me /Makes you want to feel like a teenager / Until you remember the feelings of /

A real life emotional teenager / Then you think again. Nuff said…”

The Who – My Generation

My generation came about at an undeniable turning point in the history of the teenager. Youth Culture was well on it’s way to defining itself and the kids were voicing their opinions the world over, politically, religiously, racially, musically no stone was left unturned with reference to the youth opinion.”

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The Doors – The End

“The Doors had a massive youth following, as a band they unshackled themselves from the burdens that were ‘comforming to society’s expectations,’ and instead played ‘pied piper’ to a generation of kids willing to experiment with life and the many experiences it was offering. The track was originally written as a break up song for Jim Morrison’s – ex girlfriend but ended up becoming an Anthem For Doomed Youth.”

Nirvana – Smells Like Teen Spirit

“Kurt Cobain was and is the poster boy for the doomed youth and for many Smells Like Teen Spirit was the perfect indoctrination into the world that was Kurt Cobain and Nirvana.”

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Nina Simone – To Be Young Gifted And Black

“Nina Simone sung to a generation of black people – that weren’t all black. I don’t mean to sound derogatory about her as an artist – or human being – but in a period of time of racial tension and unrest, she – more than most was able to break barriers without having to dilute her message to her listeners. Young Gifted And Black was an ode to her friend Lorraine Hansbury the author and playwright who penned the original words for a play. The song was then used by the black youth of America as a statement of belief in themselves as members of a racially biased society.”

These are our – ANTHEMS FOR DOOMED YOUTH!!!!

This playlist can also be streamed via Apple Music.


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