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Q Magazine

Who? What? Why? Where? When? Public Access TV

Who? What? Why? Where? When? Public Access TV
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Having recently swept through the UK like a winter gale, New York’s Public Access TV have wrapped up their overseas touring for the year and have returned home for some Christmas shows this week (10 December). However they’ve left Britain not only with recent single In The Mirror (below), but frontman John Eatherly‘s answers to these five questions.

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WHO would play you in the film of your life?

Val Kilmer. He did a really great Jim Morrison, interested to see how he would do this role…

WHAT are you currently working on?

We did a UK tour last month and did some recordings while in London. I’ve just been working on new songs for that.

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WHY do you do that thing you do?

Cus it’s better than monopoly?

WHERE do you see yourself in ten years?

I don’t even know where I’m going to be next month.

WHEN will there be a harvest for the world?

When the prestige of false institutions is destroyed and the people rise up and TAKE IT.


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