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Q Magazine

Who? What? Why? Where? When? Adam Cohen

Who? What? Why? Where? When? Adam Cohen
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Adam Cohen is set to release his new album We Go Home on 15 September. Son of Leonard – who’s been known to offer the odd bit of advice lyrics-wise – we put five questions to him to find out what it’s like to be carrying on the family business.

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WHO would play you in the film of your life?

My son, when my life has closer to run it’s course. Just as I feel I’d be best to play my old man at this point.

WHAT are you currently working on?

The fight of my life; to be good, to confound expectations, to stand among my peers who I respect and admire, to reap the benefits of good fortune if there is to be any. To raise my son well, and to find enjoyment in all these objectives.

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WHY do you do that thing you do?

I was seduced at a very young age by the idea I could have the life I almost have right now, still chasing the dream down.

WHERE do you see yourself in ten years?

Exactly where I am right now, but hopefully more distinguished and comfortable.

WHEN will there be a harvest for the world?

Small harvests being prepared by artisans everywhere, all the time. Big harvest, not in my hands I’m afraid.

For more head to Adamcohen.com.


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