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Q Magazine

Who? What? Why? Where? When? - Circa Waves

Who? What? Why? Where? When? - Circa Waves
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With a tour with the likes of Interpol and Temples set to kick off in Glasgow in 18 March, Liverpool’s Circa Waves release their latest single Stuck In My Teeth at the end of the month (31). To find out a little more Kieran Shudall (centre left) from the band answered a mere five questions for us…

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WHO would play you in the film of your life?

Brad Pitt Or Eamonn Holmes. Either one would be fine..

WHAT are you currently working on?

Loads of album tracks and getting the set ready to tour with Interpol and Temples. We are doing lots of recording in the studio and meeting some great producers. We also just released our second video for Stuck In My Teeth [below], that day was one of the longest days of my life but really fun as well.

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WHY do you do that thing you do?

‘Cos it’s cool, isn’t it?

WHERE do you see yourself in ten years?

Down the pub or writing songs for an ageing Miley Cyrus. But actually I’d like to be able to look back and see that we have made about four or five great albums. Also I’d like one of those little islands that Richard Branson has.

WHEN will there be a harvest for the world?

Probably the week before our album comes out.

For more head to Facebook.com/CircaWaves.


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