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Who? What? Why? Where? When? - Cults

Who? What? Why? Where? When? - Cults
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Duo Cults released their second album Static earlier this year. To get us all better acquainted singer Brian Oblivion has answered our 5Ws…

WHO would play you in the film of your life?

Edward Furlong would probably be my first choice. If time travel were possible and he could go back to the Terminator days we had basically the same haircut and attitude. Either him or Wily Wiggins. Throughout all my teenage years people called me Mitch Kramer because I looked like the character from Dazed And Confused.

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WHAT are you currently working on?

Right now we’re sitting backstage at the Tonight Show working on not freaking out. These days we’re mostly consumed with making the live show as good as it can possibly be, but we’re also already demoing for the new record and working on a couple of side projects that should come out early next year. Outside the band Gabe [Rodriguez, live guitar] is making longbows, Nate [Aguilar, live bassist] is trying to master the art of the DJ, Cory [Stier, live drums] is opening a Donut Shop, and Madeline [Follin, vocals] is designing fashion stuff. I’m working on my new apartment, which is still a wreck.

WHY do you do that thing you do?

Because someone’s gotta do it!

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WHERE do you see yourself in ten years?

I honestly don’t really have any plan or any good idea where I might end up. Madeline and I never saw this music thing coming for us, so we’re just trying to enjoy it and make the most of the time we have to do it. Who knows what the world will look like in ten years anyway?

WHEN will there be a harvest for the world?

I don’t know what this question is asking but I will say that we’re big fans of space travel and the idea of terraforming other planets. It seems like the only way we’re going to be able to keep this show on the road. I think we need to harvest other worlds and give ours a break for a little while. Maybe that’s my answer, in ten years I want to be living on Mars.

For more head to Cultscultscults.com.


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